Last episode, we introduced the concept of the "seven histories" that plays out over the course of chapters 12-14. In chapter 12, we introduced the history of the woman and the history of the dragon. Where John appears to have witnessed an overall timeline of the seed war. From the enmity that was placed between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent in the Garden of Eden... to a final attempt by the dragon to cause as much chaos as possible at the end of time. We not only saw how the dragon tried to prevent the Messiah's arrival in the beginning, but that when he failed, he switched up his tactic and decided to turn his wrath against the woman instead. At the conclusion of the episode, we saw John illude to a moment in time when the dragon suddenly returns in full force onto the world stage... at the end of the overall story. Which is exactly where we're gonna pick up today.
E51. The Beast Empire: The Antichrist & The False Prophet
Updated: Feb 10
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