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Bible Recommendation




I use the King James Version in my personal studies. On the podcast, I use various translations so that scripture is understandable in modern terms for those who may have never heard it.

A study bible is helpful if you're a first time bible studier. Study bibles offer a bit of historical perspective while you’re reading scripture. It also shows maps and pictures so that you CONNECT to what you’re reading.

My recommendation is to go to a bible book store and open physical bibles. Pick your favorite scriptural topic that we’ve discussed on the podcast and flip to that scripture in each translation to see which one is easiest to comprehend for you. That’s the best way to pick a bible. I also recommend that while you do your study at home, look up other translations online to make sure that what you’re understanding is a general consensus across translations. It helps to verify that what you're reading is truth.



Bible Manipulation

If you look at some of the oldest Jewish/Christian bibles on the planet (Codex Sinaiticus, the Ethiopian Bible, and the Dead Sea Scrolls), they all mostly still match what’s found in our bibles today. There’s no way to manipulate the bible completely, without manipulating all of the ancient copies of it that were preserved around the globe. The Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, were compiled 200-300 years before Christ and were hidden shortly after being written. They were later discovered in the 1940s/1950s. IF our Bibles were vastly different than what was found in the scrolls, then it would prove mass manipulation, yet there’s no proof of that.


That being said, there’s always a possibility of manipulation as new “translations” are published. Manipulation is more likely to come from books being omitted from the cannon of scripture (which they have been), and also from specific scriptures being omitted in newer translations which manipulate the message (which they have been). 


Regardless, I wholeheartedly believe that the overall message of scripture is interconnected in such a way that there’s no way to manipulate it completely. As I’ve been uncovering in the Revelation series – God works in patterns. What WE see as a bunch of seemingly unconnected stories of ancestral fathers which were thrown together in an overall history book documenting the foundations of our faith… they all actually hold pieces of the puzzle to help reinforce a hidden picture or message which starts to appear to those who dig deep enough to find it. It’s truly intelligent design! It’s a LIVING book which is too complex to manipulate completely.




Book of Enoch Safety
Yes and no. I encourage you to listen to episode 28 of the podcast: Should Christians Study the Book of Enoch?

There are quite a lot of people who claim that we should completely reject the Book of Enoch and yet they have no idea that there are actually three Books of Enoch. The first Book of Enoch (Enoch 1) is the oldest and most authentic of the three. In fact, it was not only preserved in the Ethiopian Bible (one of the oldest bibles on the planet), but it was also found among the Dead Sea Scrolls which verifies its authenticity. There's even evidence to suggest that the writers of the Dead Sea Scrolls may have considered it part of the Hebrew Bible.

Enoch 1 offers incredible insight into the origins of evil by expounding on Genesis 6. It then concludes by showing how evil will return in the end days to play a vital role in bible prophecy. In fact, it describes the SAME apocalypse that is found in the Book of Revelation... and yet it was written and preserved almost 200 years before Christ.

On the other hand, the second and third books of Enoch are corrupt. They not only differ from the first book in both context and language, but they are believed to have been written after the death of Christ. They include occult teachings that don't align with scripture and aren't worth studying.




The podcast was born because I wanted to bring a Christian perspective to esoteric topics that aren’t often discussed openly in church. Things like the origins of paganism, the occult, secret societies, etc.


I also prayed that the podcast would cross barriers and expose a biblical perspective to non-believers who were searching these topics as well. Therefore, I chose symbolism that could be recognized by a variety of backgrounds.

From Science (the atom in the background), to Religion (the Star of David) and/or Paganism (the Star of Remphan), to Conspiracy (the eye in the triangle).  This six-pointed “star” is recognized by different people to mean different things.

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To some, it's an occult symbol... but to others, it's considered holy. We all interpret symbolism and religion differently, but there's an incredibly fine line between the TRUTH of God... and the counterfeit of truth that's been concocted by evil to lead people away from God. And that's what I try to expose on the podcast.

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