The Face Behind the Podcast...
Hey guys, I'm Chasity!
I'm a stay at home mom with a passion for Biblical history that decided, one day, to turn it into a podcast ~ which is currently available on the following platforms: Apple, Spotify, Google, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, and Audible.
I grew up in the Worldwide Church of God which was considered by many to be a cult. We observed the sabbath on Saturday, we steered clear of foods that were considered "unclean", and we abstained from most modern-day Christian holidays because they were believed to be "pagan".
By the time I was 13 years old, the church had a major division. Half of the church kept the old ways, and the other half began observing the sabbath on Sunday, celebrating things like Easter and Christmas... and preaching that we weren't gonna go to hell for eating a piece of bacon.

For a critical thinking "rule follower", this was earth shattering. My entire foundation of beliefs disintegrated beneath my feet and I found myself questioning, "What is the truth?! Is it okay to eat bacon? Which day is the correct sabbath? Which is the right way to honor God?"
I not only quit going to church, but it built a determination in me to never blindly follow someone's rhetoric again. From then on, I made it a point to seek out the truth for myself. Within a few years, I had found a new church and I spent the better part of a decade falling right in line with modern day Christianity: getting baptized and experiencing the holy spirit move in my life. For the first time in my life, I began observing holidays like Christmas and felt like I fit in. I eventually began working in the ministry, got married... and then one day my past caught up to me.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he gets old he will not depart from it." ~Proverbs 22:6
I remember the day when, out of the blue, I began to seriously question what Easter bunnies and colored eggs had to do with the resurrection of Christ. And what Christmas trees and Santa clause had to do with the birth of Christ. It had been ingrained in me from childhood that these practices were considered "pagan", but what did that even mean? I became determined to find out! My curiosity eventually spilled over into other topics that were of interest to me as well: conspiracies and the paranormal.
I began to realize that there is a whole arena of topics that "the church" never seems to address. They either perceive these topics to be demonic and want no part of them, or they consider them to be a challenge to the Biblical narrative and have no response. And yet they are perfectly happy to promote the "feel good" holidays - while turning a blind eye to their pagan origins. It felt a bit hypocritical.
I began to encounter people who were starving for the truth and searching for REAL answers about how certain topics fit into the biblical narrative. Unfortunately, the only resources available that covered these topics were secular, and they offered perspectives that led people away from scripture. (Like the super popular TV series: Ancient Aliens)
This created in me a desire to offer a Biblical perspective for those who are seeking truth. Unfortunately, the church has dropped the ball in equipping our people with knowledge that is going to be vital as we navigate the end days. They've become distracted with preaching a prosperity gospel, but what people need is an awakening.
Our generation is quickly having to deal with topics like artificial intelligence, extraterrestrial life, genetic engineering, advanced technology, transhumanism, and the rise of Satanism before our very eyes. We may very well BE the generation that witnesses the Antichrist! Prophesy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes and the vast majority of Christians are blind, deaf, and dumb to it.
It's for this reason that I created my podcast. To venture into the territory that the church has shied away from.
I cover everything from the origins of ancient idol worship, fallen angels, secret societies, the occult, aliens, and transhumanism... to the pagan origins of modern Christian holidays, the feasts of Israel, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and how Bible prophesy may logically play out.
Here you will find a unique perspective that makes the Bible come ALIVE in ways that you've never experienced before.
I hope it blesses you.